Friends of the Library



Carole O'Connell - President

Jamie Forster - Vice-President

Pat Stone - Treasurer

Ellen Evans- Membership

Carol Powers and Margie Springer - members at large

        Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month,

        at the library at 1p.m..

        All members are welcome to attend.



Become a member......

If you would like to be a member of the Friends of the WDL now is the time to join for the 2023-24 Membership.  You will soon receive  a mailing. If you are not on our mailing list please complete the application below.  As a member you can help support the library, participate in the planning and implementation of various social and fund raising activities and help provide materials and events that enhance our library.  You'll also get to be a part of a great organization filled with people who care about our library and make it a better place for all of us.  Please consider being a part of this vital group !  We need you this year more than ever and are asking you to consider a donation above membership as well.

Mail the completed form and membership to Friends of WDL,

PO Box  618 ,West Dennis MA 02670



Friends of the West Dennis Free Public Library, PO Box 618 West Dennis MA 02670



Please circle: Member $20. Contributor $50. Supporter $100


Additional donation : _________

Total amount enclosed ___________






Town_________________________________State_____Zip code____________




Phone_____________________________Best time to reach you?_____________



Thank you so much for your contribution to the Friends of the West Dennis Free Public Library.

Thanks to the Friends...

Thanks to the Friends of the WDL we have a very pretty display of flowers and plantings and a well cleared area around the library.  Enjoy the color and the fragrance on your next visit!

Courtesy of our Friends

Our Friends Group makes the library a better place for all of us!

The most recent addition to our library from the Friends is our new public computer station with new computers and furniture provided by the Friends and monies raised from various fund raisers during the year...Columbus Day Bake Sale, Holiday Cookie Sale, Mother's Day Tea and various raffles.  Thank you for supporting the friends and the West Dennis Library!

Thanks to all...

Our Holiday Gingerbread House Raffles and the Cookie Sales were very successful.  Thanks to all who helped out...bakers, packers, contributors and buyers.

Mother's Day Tea 2019

Another great day and a good time had by all.  More pictures to follow!  Thank you all for your support and generosity.

Mother's Day Tea 2018

Thank you to all our guests and everyone who helped with the Mother's Day Tea. What a great time and what a great group of ladies of all ages!