Barbara Eppich Struna talked about her historic novel The Old Cape House and delighted us with her stories and her treats!
Technology...Bridge and Quilting....oh my!
Storyteller Janet Glantz entertained the whole family with her stories of "Critters and Creatures Great and Small".
Yvonne De Sousa shared her book MS Madness and her experiences dealing with Multiple Sclerosis with humor instead of anger. A life lesson for everyone.
Kevin Depin, Principal of Ezra Baker Innovation School, once again visited all the libraries in Dennis. This year his focus was on Caldecott Award winning books. His visit to the West Dennis Library was a great success as always. Thank you Mr. Depin.
Alice Ploucard Stelzer helps us celebrata Women's History month with her book Female Adventurers: women who helped colonize CT. and MA.
Richard Gifford recently visited the library to speak about his new book MacMillan Wharf, a mystery set in Provincetown. Those attending were entertained by his readings, his enthusiasm for all things Cape Cod and his sense of humor.

Laura Shabott talked about her book "Confessions of an E-book Virgin..."
Marian Walsh recently shared her new book RUN and the inspiration behind it. "A personal guide for running for public offfice".
Anne Speyer talked about censorship in libraries...
Songs of the Sea....
Susan Santangelo launches her newest book...