Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees Voted In September 2023:
President: Clint Cave
Vice President: unfilled
Treasurer: unfilled
Assistant Treasurer: Rosalie Loughran
Secretary: Sue Lauder
Building & Grounds: Lisa Cormier, Tom Osborn
Fundraising: Evan Dean
Grants: Emily Hildebrant
Publicity: Susan Oslin
Volunteer Coordinator: Emily Hildebrant
Members at Large: Rick Ward
Rachel Marolda
Mary Fiset
The Board generally meets the 4th Monday of the month at 2 pm at the library. Check the library Calendar of events for confirmation.
The West Dennis Free Public Library is governed by a Board of Trustees elected by the membership of the Association. The Board is comprised of citizens usually from the West Dennis area who are committed to a local library that is resourceful, convenient, and friendly.
The principal responsibilities of the Board of Trustees are to raise the funds to support library operations and to maintain the building and facilities, as our private non-profit Library is not maintained by the Department of Public Works. Ensuring the future of the Library is an exciting challenge for the Board and a tremendous opportunity for community involvement. Active membership in the Association is one way to participate in these efforts.
The Trustees elect officers from their membership. The Trustees meet once per month and are organized around a group of committees that support the tactical and strategic needs of the library and its patrons.
Members of the Board are expected to take active roles in fundraising and supporting the Library. Alternately if time or physical abilities restrict a Trustee’s active participation, Trustees are expected to make financial commitments or solicit funds from others inside or outside the community who are in a position to support the Library’s operations and growth. In all cases, Trustees are responsible for actively advocating for the Library.
The Trustees are also responsible for the classic functions of board members, such as preparation and surveillance of operating and capital budgets, selecting and hiring a Director, creating policies to assist the Director in stocking, lending, and selling appropriate books and/or other educational materials to library members and the public at large.
The Board duties identified in the Massachusetts Public Library Trustees Handbook (by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts) are extensive and budgets are always limited but the West Dennis Free Public Library, which opened its doors in 1920, has grown over the past 100 years through the dedicated support of Trustees, Library Directors, Staff, volunteers and community. Vigorous community engagement will ensure the Library’s success for the next 90 years. We welcome your support.